湛江猎头公司职位-- TS/CS manager
   2020-10-16 15:01:42    文字:【】【】【
职位名称:TS/CS manager 

TS manager Responsibilities: 1. Based on company strategy plan , set up TS execution plan and appropriate resource allocation; 2. Coordinate & lead outsourcing Tele service companies to achievement business goals; 3. Responsible for effectiveness tracking & analysis, find out key challenges and work out solution plan to drive for continuous improvement; 4. Ensure all TS operation complying with external and internal policies & regulations; 5. Assist consumer research, crisis management and etc. CS (Consumer Service) manager Responsibilities: 1. Set up direction and strategy of consumer educational events, include planning, resource allocation, execution guideline and performance tracking ; 2. Supervise & lead Regional CS supervisor, integrated with medical and trade team, to ensure CS events are executed accordingly; 3. Responsible for events effectiveness tracking & analysis, find out key challenges and work out solution plan to drive for continuous improvement; 4. Work closely with internal sales team, Ensure all operation complying with external and internal policies & regulations; 消费者服务经理: 工作职责: 1. 制定全国消费者活动的总体策略和方向以及详细执行计划和资源分配计划; 2. 带领所属大区的CS活动主管,与当地医务和营业团队密切合作, 保证各城市消费者活动的良好执行; 3. 负责各城市CS活动执行后的结果跟进和效率分析, 总结经验教训,并发现市场潜力和机会,来不断提升活动的效率; 4. 与销售团队紧密合作,保证各城市的操作符合政府和公司内外的一系列法规和政策; 5. 协助各大区和城市与消费者直接相关的消费者市场调查,危机处理等工作;
Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree; 2. Minimum 8 years working experience in Tele service or call centre area; 3. Minimum 4 years experience in supervisory/managerial position; 4. Excellent interpersonal , communication, presentation, negotiation skills 5. Fluent in Chinese and English (Verbal & written); 6. Team work spirits, consumer-oriented; Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree; 2. 10 years direct consumer working experience in nutrition / Phama. industry 3. Experienced in managing / supervise at least 4-5 people\\\\\\\' team is must. 4. Good cross functional communication skills ; 5. Passion, teamwork, consumer oriented, positive attitude; 基本要求; 1. 本科以上学历; 2. 十年以上在营养品或医药品行业直接消费者教育的工作经验; 3. 需要有管理4-5人团队的经验; 4. 良好的跨部门协调和沟通能力; 5. 顾客至上,团队合作精神,正面积极的工作态度。
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